Carper’s Connection – A time to be thankful

November 21, 2012

Last week, I returned to work in Washington after the conclusion of an election season that seemed like it went on far too long. Just before I hopped on that train in Wilmington though, I joined elected officials from all across our state in Georgetown, the seat of Sussex County, for one of Delaware’s most unique traditions — Return Day — on its 200th Anniversary. At Return Day, I joined my opponents from the election, as many of my friends and colleagues did, to bury the hatchet — not figuratively, but literally — in a vat of sand drawn from Delaware’s own beaches, signaling our commitment to put petty politics behind us and move forward with the business of governing our state and nation together. And as I rode on that train from Wilmington to Washington to return to the Senate, I couldn’t help but think, We need a Return Day for our country

Over the coming months, our leaders in Washington will face many challenges — including how to resolve the so-called “fiscal cliff” responsibly and in a balanced way. If we carry the spirit of Return Day with us, as I try to do nearly every day, then I have faith that our leaders can tackle the tests that lie ahead and solve them. Because together, as one unified country, I know we can do great things.

At this time of year, we should all be thankful we live in this great nation — a nation where we choose our leaders peacefully, and where everyday citizens can change lives for the better. This holiday season, each of us should commit ourselves to serving our neighbors, our friends, our families and our country — in ways great and small — so that we can show the world how truly special America is.

I believe there is no greater joy in life than serving others, and in the coming weeks and months there are so many opportunities to serve. Send a letter or package to our troops across the world who are serving away from home during the holidays. Serve at a local food kitchen, giving a warm, comforting meal to those who need it most. Donate blood or give money to the organizations working hard to clean up after Hurricane Sandy or to heal the sick or wounded. Together, we can do our part to strengthen our country and instill a sense of togetherness in all that we do.

That sense of togetherness and spirit of community is what I loved most about Return Day — and what I love most about this time of year. Serving each other and lending a hand defines us as Americans and is central to what makes our country great. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a warm holiday season.

With warm personal regards,

I am,

TC Signature

U.S. Senator Tom Carper
