Be Smart. Take Part. Prepare!

Dear Friends,

As they say, April showers bring May flowers. As we welcome warmer weather, we should also be prepared for severe weather and tropical storms. While there is only so much we can do to prevent damage caused by these natural hazards, there are many steps we can take to be prepared.

That’s why today I’m sending you this message about being prepared for emergenciesPrepareathon to kick off America’s PrepareAthon! This nationwide campaign led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and is a call to action to increase Americans’ preparedness for emergencies. There are plenty of ways you can be prepared for severe weather hazards at home and in your community. Some basic protective measures include designating a plan for evacuation and shelter, making an emergency supply kit, and signing up for emergency alert systems available in your area.

In Delaware, the lowest-lying state in the nation, there are specific steps we can take to gear up for severe weather. To start, learn the elevation level of your home so you know how a flood may affect you. If a storm is coming, cover your windows properly and reinforce your doors. Insure your property.

For more information to stay prepared, check out and America’s PrepareAThon! website for useful drills, trainings, and resources. You can even register your preparedness activities in order to coordinate with community members and take part in discussion forums. I encourage all Delawareans to register yourself or your school, business, place of worship, or other group, and be empowered with the knowledge and skills needed in case of a disaster. To register, visit and join the Americans who have pledged to help their families and communities.

If you have concerns about emergency readiness or any other issue, please contact me through emailTwitter, or Facebook.


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