Celebrating Start-Up Day

This month, with Congress adjourned for recess, I get the opportunity to spend more time back home in Delaware. This is, by far, my favorite time of year because it gives me a chance to meet with folks up and down Delaware and ask, “How are you doing?” “How am I doing?” and perhaps most importantly,“What can I do to help?”

Last week, with the help of Senator Chris Coons and Congressman John Carney, I hosted “Start-Up Day” in Delaware where I met with more than 50 entrepreneurs, seasoned business leaders, and non-profit leaders in Wilmington and Georgetown. This coincided with the fourth annual “Startup Day Across America,” a nationwide effort to raise awareness of entrepreneurial activity and job creation and help generate support for startup communities across the country.

Creating and preserving jobs in the First State continues to be one of my top priorities in the Senate, and supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs is a key part of Delaware’s success in keeping our economy growing. In fact, small businesses represent more than 90 percent of all businesses in Delaware and employes nearly half of all Delawareans.

To help our budding entrepreneurs make their vision a reality, Delaware has truly wonderful resources. The Small Business Development Center, the Small Business Administration in Delaware, Delaware SCORE, Start It Up Delaware, the Delaware Economic Development Office and the many incubators and coworking spaces for entrepreneurs are all focused on our entrepreneurs here in the First State.

Across the country, small businesses play a tremendous role in our larger economic recovery, producing an average of three million jobs each year including creating nearly 100 percent of net job growth over the past 20 years. Efforts like Startup America and Start-Up Day help remind us of the important work being done by thousands of entrepreneurs in Delaware and millions around the country. These startup companies are involved in a variety of industries – from technology, retail and healthcare, to entertainment, consulting, and education. And with 27 percent of startups nationwide owned by women and 33 percent owned by minorities, the startup community is helping to provide support and opportunities for everyone working towards the American Dream.

As our economy continues to recover from the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression, we have to do all we can to support our friends and neighbors who make up our small business and startup community. If you have ideas on ways we can improve the business climate for folks working hard to get their businesses up and running, I’d like to hear from you! Connect with me through email or on Twitter at @SenatorCarper and on Facebook at facebook.com/tomcarper.
