Honoring the memory of those lost on September 11th

Early this morning, I joined Dover Air Force Base personnel and local first responders at their annual September 11th Memorial Ceremony. Sixteen years ago, on that fateful morning, more than 3,000 innocent men, women and children, along with brave first responders and extraordinary citizens, lost their lives in an unthinkable act of terror. The friends and family members we lost are never far from our minds, and today we ask, how can we best continue to honor their memory?

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks in New York, Washington, and Shanksville, first responders, doctors and heroic citizens rushed into danger, risking or sacrificing their own lives, to help others. In the months and years that followed, Americans came together like never before to support one another. In trying times, Americans take it upon themselves to care for neighbors they’ve never met and support communities they’ve never visited. Today, as memorial services are held across the country, we Americans continue to act on that sense of solidarity that shone so brightly sixteen years ago.

In Florida and Georgia, millions continue to be threatened by Hurricane Irma. In the Northwest, California, Oregon and Montana battle historic wildfires that threaten entire communities. In Texas, flood waters are just beginning to recede and families face the daunting task of rebuilding from the ground up. The outpouring of support from Delawareans and Americans across the country to these hurting communities is inspiring. Our continued dedication to our neighbors a thousand miles away is one of the greatest ways we can honor those lost on September 11th.

More and more I find myself reflecting on our country’s motto: E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one. On days like this we remember that no matter what divides us, our country will always emerge resilient and strong in the face of adversity.
