Carper Announces Opposition to Steven Mnuchin Nomination

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), a senior member of the Finance Committee, released the following statement on the nomination of Steven Mnuchin to be Secretary of the Treasury.

“We need someone at the helm of the Treasury Department who will be committed to continuing our economic recovery and helping all Americans, not just those at the top, succeed in an increasingly competitive global economy. Mr. Mnuchin’s business career, particularly those actions taken during the foreclosure crisis, have rightfully raised serious concerns about his ability to be that person. Ultimately, I believe that managing the world’s largest economy is too important a responsibility to hand over to someone who is so lacking in both the depth of policy knowledge and economic decision-making experience that we should expect for our highest-ranking official at the Treasury Department.

“Additionally, Mr. Mnuchin’s responses to my written questions in the Senate Finance Committee did nothing to assuage my fears that he will simply be a rubber stamp on the Trump agenda to slash taxes for those households in the same tax bracket as the Trump family. We need a Treasury Secretary less concerned with easing the tax burden on the wealthiest Americans and increasing our budget deficits, and more concerned with putting forward an economic agenda to strengthen the middle class and keep our fiscal house in order. While I am appreciative of his willingness to serve, I cannot support Mr. Mnuchin to be our next Treasury Secretary.”
