Carper Applauds President Biden’s Plan to Mobilize 100 Million Vaccines in Administration’s First 100 Days

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del) released the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s national COVID-19 strategy and vaccine rollout. 

“Under President Joe Biden’s leadership and with science and facts guiding the way, the White House is finally stepping up and leading the charge on a comprehensive, strategic federal response to take on COVID-19. With a pandemic that is still claiming the lives of thousands of Americans each day, we are racing against the clock, and this Administration understands that we simply cannot waste another minute. This is the kind of bold and ambitious proposal that’s needed to meet this moment and that the American people desperately want. 

“President Joe Biden knows that to get Americans back to work, businesses reopened, students back to schools, and our economy back on track, our top priority should be to crush this virus. The most effective way to do this is by getting vaccines into the arms of as many Americans as possible as quickly as possible. President Biden has a plan to do just that, and I am so glad to see that this is his Administration’s top priority on day one. 

“With an actual plan to mobilize 100 million vaccines in his first 100 days in office, President Biden has made it clear that he intends to meet this moment of crisis with the urgency it demands. By utilizing the full power of the federal government, working with Congress, and coordinating with state and local governments, we can work together to ensure vaccines are distributed equitably, quickly, and effectively to millions of Americans and finally start to put this pandemic in our rearview mirror.”
