Carper Honored By Delaware Farm Bureau for Work Supporting our Nation’s Farmers

Today, U.S. Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) joined Delaware Farm Bureau President Richard Wilkins to accept the Friend of the Farm Bureau Award for the 116th Congress. Senator Carper accepted the award at Delaware Agriculture Museum President Grier Stayton’s farm. 

“Delaware may be a small state, but we sure punch above our weight when it comes to agriculture, and that is all thanks to the tireless work of our farmers. They fuel our economy, keep our families fed and show us every day how to be good stewards of the land that we all call home. We’re also so grateful for the hard working men and women who support the agriculture industry and are great collaborators on legislation and policies that help keep this industry thriving here in Delaware,” said Senator Carper. “I’m honored to work with our growers and producers on putting in place smart policies that provide stability, while also supporting trade and conservation practices. Thank you to Richard and to the Farm Bureau members for recognizing the work we do together to ensure our nation’s farmers – especially the 2,300 family farmers here in the First State – can continue to do the critical work they do and stay in business for generations to come.”

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) gives the Friend of Farm Bureau award to members of Congress who have supported Farm Bureau’s position on policy issues, as demonstrated by their voting records, and who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus and approved by the AFBF Board of Directors. The voting records are based on issues selected by the AFBF Board.

“Throughout his career of public service, Tom Carper has sought input from farmer leaders on how they would be impacted by public policy decisions,” said Wilkins. “He has always looked for solutions that are fair and reasonable. Senator Carper has the utmost respect for the hard working families that make America nutritionally secure.”
