Carper Measure to Open South African Poultry Market to Delaware Producers Approved by Finance Committee

WASHINGTON – Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) announced today that the Senate Finance Committee has approved an amendment he offered with Senators Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) that would help open up the South African market to Delaware poultry farmers.

“Our poultry farmers in Delaware create more than $4.6 billion in economic activity each year and account for about 70 percent of the First State’s agricultural exports,” Sen. Carper said. “But, we know there is great potential left untapped because they face unfair trade barriers in various countries across the globe. South Africa is the largest potential poultry market on that continent, but our farmers can’t break into it because of unfair trade practices. I’m proud to join Senator Isakson in his effort to pry open emerging markets like this one and enable our farmers to compete on a level playing field.”   

The measure approved by the committee amends the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) – which has been included as part of legislation to extend the country’s trade preferences – to require the administration to conduct an official review of South Africa’s eligibility for benefits provided through the program. For years, the South African government has employed unfair trade practices that keep Delaware poultry farmers from competing in their market while they continue to receive aid through AGOA. 

Video of Senator Carper speaking in favor of the amendment is available here:

The legislation must now be considered by the full Senate.

