Carper on Meeting with Pruitt: We have grave concerns that must be addressed

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee, released the following statement after meeting with Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President-elect Trump’s nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Last week, Senator Carper sent a letter to Mr. Pruitt requesting more information about the nominee’s views on a broad range of issues relating to the agency’s mission.

“I was able to meet Mr. Pruitt today and begin to get to know the man that President-elect Trump has chosen to assume the huge responsibility of leading the EPA. I’ve said before that, as ranking member, I’m committed to a full and fair confirmation process, and I would like to make sure the nominees are treated the way any of us would hope to be treated.

“However, the Senate also has a long, bipartisan tradition of vetting nominees to ensure that they are well-suited for the jobs for which they have been selected. I have grave concerns about Mr. Pruitt’s selection and I am not alone. A vast array of groups – including environmental advocates, public health organizations, children’s groups, former EPA administrators and religious leaders –  have expressed similar sentiments. The American people and members of this body deserve to have their concerns addressed and their questions answered, especially given Mr. Pruitt’s record. As this process continues, I look forward to evaluating Mr. Pruitt’s responses to the questions that have been asked of him and more closely examining his vision for the agency.”

