Carper on Trump’s Comments on the Vietnam War: “Many of us were not ‘fans’ of the war, but we served”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper, the only Vietnam veteran currently serving in the United States Senate, released the following statement regarding President Trump’s comments to Piers Morgan about the Vietnam War. President Trump’s comments come one day ahead of the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

“In the days of the draft, many Americans didn’t have the luxury of choosing not to serve during times of war. Many of us who served in the Vietnam War were not ‘fans’ of that war. Many of the tens of thousands who died in the Vietnam War were not ‘fans’ of that war. But we served, and did so alongside the 58,000 men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

“Leadership requires many things. One of those things is the ability to lead by example. It’s not ‘do as I say, but do as I do.’ That goes for a cadet to the Commander-in-Chief.

“Hours before the 75th anniversary of Allied forces landing on the beaches in Normandy, I join those across the country and around the world in thanking those who, for generations, have borne the battle and those who continue to serve bravely today.”
