Carper Statement on ACA Court Decision

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement regarding the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling on the Texas v. Azar lawsuit brought by the 18 Republican Attorneys General and Governors and the Trump Administration in an effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in its entirety.  


“From the start, the Texas v. Azar lawsuit, brought by the Trump Administration and 18 Attorneys General and Governors in an effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in its entirety, was another outrageous attack on Americans’ health care. Tonight, in a long overdue decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, President Trump and Republicans have managed to keep this dangerous lawsuit alive. Make no mistake: if they are ultimately successful, this lawsuit would completely scrap the law that is providing critical health care coverage for millions of families across our country. It would mean more than 20 million Americans who rely on the Affordable Care Act for quality, affordable health insurance could be stripped of their coverage. It would mean protections for 400,000 Delawareans living with pre-existing conditions, and nearly 133 million Americans, could be taken away. It would mean young people under the age of 26 would be kicked off their parents’ health insurance plans. It would mean no more funding for Medicaid expansion that has allowed millions of Americans to access health care for the first time. It would mean elimination of financial assistance that helps millions of families afford their coverage. And it would mean higher Medicare costs for seniors.


“Regrettably, today’s decision creates more uncertainty for millions of Americans who are left wondering if their family will have their health care coverage ripped away. But we cannot lose sight of the fact that the Affordable Care Act is still the law of the land. Now, more than ever, we must make clear that we will not stand for attacks on the life-saving care on which millions depend. We cannot move backward and allow this Administration to rip health care away from millions of Americans. Instead of more delay that leaves millions in limbo, the Supreme Court must rule on this case as soon as possible.”


