Carper Statement on CBO Analysis of Republican Health Care Plan

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement today regarding the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) analysis of the House Republican health care plan that would repeal the Affordable Care Act and leave millions of Americans uninsured as soon as next year.

“These numbers speak for themselves. The House GOP plan would take away health insurance from 14 million people next year, and that number would balloon to 24 million a decade from now. That is unacceptable. I expected a whole lot more from the people who have been promising us for years that they’ve figured out the key to insuring more people for lower costs. This clearly isn’t it.

“I’m disappointed by many of my Republican colleagues who began their disavowal of the CBO’s findings before they were even made public. Attacking our nonpartisan budget and economic analysts doesn’t change the fact that, behind all their lofty promises of terrific care that everyone can afford, is a hastily put together piece of legislation that doesn’t make the cut. I hope this CBO report will serve as the shot of reality we so badly need to get our Republican friends to focus on improving upon the progress we’ve already made through the ACA, not tearing down a system that has improved the lives of millions of Americans.”
