Carper Statement on Revised Republican Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement today after Senate Republicans released a revised version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), their plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“Tweaks along the edges cannot fix this fundamentally flawed bill. The revised version of this legislation is still Robin Hood in reverse, cutting off access to critical health care for those who need it the most to fund hundreds of billions of dollars in tax credits for those who need them the least.

“President Trump promised a health care system that would cover all Americans with high quality care for lower prices. However, the centerpiece of this revised bill – the provision authored by Senators Cruz and Lee – would do just the opposite. In fact, it would put the individual market into a death spiral and force people in this country to pay more for poorer coverage. Make no mistake – this has gotten worse, not better. 

“I ask my colleagues in Congress to hit the pause button. I have spoken to a number of Republican senators and Republican governors who agree that a return to regular order so we can find a bipartisan solution is key. We—Democrats and Republicans—need to roll up our sleeves and work on a bipartisan health care plan that truly fulfills the promises laid out by the president to give everyone in this country better health care for less money.”

