Carper Statement on the Helsinki Summit

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement after President Trump declined to side with the U.S. intelligence community over Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit:

Today, an American president chose to side with a foreign adversary that attacked our democratic institutions instead of the American people, including the brave men and women in the intelligence community who risk their lives to keep us safe. With the entire world watching, President Trump made clear that he is too weak to stand up to Vladimir Putin, even when the integrity of our electoral process — the very core of our democracy — is on the line. While it surely pleased Putin, Trump’s performance was unprecedented and appalling, and his display today absolutely makes us less safe. 

“Just days after 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted for interfering in the 2016 election, Trump still gave Putin a free pass and inexplicably attacked the Special Counsel. Trump trusts Putin, but I trust Bob Mueller. 

“It’s beyond clear that President Trump cannot be trusted to look out for American interests and protect our institutions. We must decide what kind of nation we will be for years to come. For generations, America has been the leader of the free world and our democratic institutions have been a model for other nations. Unfortunately, that standing has been seriously compromised. Now, we have reached a defining moment, and these moments in history demand action that puts country over party. Strong rhetoric isn’t enough. Harsh speeches on the Senate floor won’t cut it. It is up to us in Congress to join together and actually uphold the oath we all took — to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
