Chairman Carper Responds to Presidents Emergency Supplemental Request to Address Challenges at Border

WASHINGTON – Today, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement in response to the President’s $3.8 billion emergency supplemental request to address the increase in Central American Migration along the southern border:

“The current situation along our southern border is a large and complex humanitarian challenge, and one that requires immediate attention and resources. The President and his team, including Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, have put into place an all-hands-on-deck, government-wide response effort to help manage the unprecedented number of unaccompanied minors. This emergency supplemental request is a critical part of that effort. I commend the Administration for doing what it can to quickly address this surge of children and families attempting to enter our country, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to support it. While the Administration’s request would ensure that the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies receive the additional resources they need to manage the immediate crisis at the border, I believe it focuses too much on the symptoms of the problem rather than the underlying causes. Those of us in Congress and the Administration need to do what we can to help Central American countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador address the root causes that are pushing so many of their young people and families to attempt the dangerous trip to our southern border, including the lack of jobs and economic opportunity and a sharp increase in violence. Fortunately, the Administration’s request does take an important first step by allocating money for the State Department to help these countries tackle these root causes. But if we are serious about improving conditions in the region, we will need to do more. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress and the Administration to make sure we take meaningful action to address the driving factors behind this crisis.”
