Finance Hearing Statement: Nomination of Steven Mnuchin to be Secretary of the Treasury

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), a senior member of the Finance Committee, released the following statement about the hearing to consider the nomination of Steven Mnuchin to be Secretary of the Treasury.

“I have great reservations about President-elect Trump’s nomination of Steven Mnuchin to serve as Secretary of the Treasury. At a time when Congress must be laser-focused on continuing our economic recovery, we must have a person at the helm of this department who is committed not only to competing to win in the global marketplace, but also to making our economy work for all Americans.

“As a former governor, I believe strongly that a President-elect has the right and privilege to assemble the team he believes will best serve him and his office. I was able to ask Mr. Mnuchin a few questions during our hearing today and I have submitted additional questions for the record, and I am eager to carefully review all his responses as I come to a final decision about whether or not I am able to support his confirmation.”

