ICYMI: Senators Carper and Coons and Rep. Blunt Rochester Secure $1M in Federal Funding for Delaware Coastal Airport

In Case You Missed It, U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, and Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester (all D-Del.) announced $1 million in federal funding that will go toward expanding the runway at the Delaware Coastal Airport in Georgetown. This funding is part of $154 million in federal funding secured by the delegation for community projects across Delaware.

Read more in Cape Gazette, Bay to Bay News, WDRE, Delaware Public Media, WGMD, and WMDT (TV):

$1M awarded for runway expansion at Delaware Coastal Airport
By: Staff

Sen. Tom Carper joined Sussex County officials March 27 to announce $1 million in federal funding for Delaware Coastal Airport’s runway extension project. This funding will go toward the environmental assessment and preliminary design of the runway extension to 6,000 feet. The money is a part of $154 million in federal funding secured by Carper, Sen. Chris Coons and Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester for Delaware community projects, including this one that has the potential to drive economic development and create jobs in Sussex County and the surrounding region. […]

“Delaware Coastal Airport is an economic driver for the region with so much potential,” said Carper. “I always say senators, governors, congresswomen – we don’t create jobs, we create a nurturing environment for job growth and job preservation. This funding to help extend the runway will allow larger planes to land here, providing an attractive place for businesses to do operations to and from Sussex County and beyond. Between the flight activities and industrial park tenants, the airport is the centerpiece for thousands of really good jobs. I’m proud to work with Sen. Coons and Congresswoman Blunt Rochester to secure the funding for much anticipated project.” 

“I’m proud the delegation has continued to fund the efforts to aid in the expansion of Delaware Coastal Airport’s runway,” said Coons. “Delaware has seen an incredible run of wins supporting air travel recently that have created good-paying jobs, made our state an even more vital commercial hub, and increased our sense of civic pride. I can’t wait to help continue that progress.”

“The Delaware Coastal Airport has long played an important role in helping to grow our local economy throughout Sussex County and across the First State,” said Blunt Rochester, member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. “I was proud to help secure this federal funding alongside Sens. Carper and Coons to begin the environmental assessment and preliminary design of its runway expansion, pushing us one step closer to bringing the Delaware Coastal Airport to new heights.” […]

Sen. Carper announces $1 million for Delaware Coastal Airport runway expansion
By: Staff

U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., joined Sussex County officials Wednesday to announce $1 million in federal funding for Delaware Coastal Airport’s runway extension project.

This funding will go toward the environmental assessment and preliminary design of the runway extension to 6,000 feet. It is a part of $154 million secured by Sens. Carper, Chris Coons and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, all D-Del., for Delaware community projects that has the potential to drive economic development and create jobs in Sussex County and the surrounding region.

“Sussex County is thankful to Sen. Carper and the entire Delaware delegation for their tenacity and tireless efforts to make this funding possible,” said Sussex County administrator Todd F. Lawson.

“The runway extension project at Delaware Coastal Airport has been our top priority for years, and now with this federal funding earmarked, we’re one step closer to moving the plans from concept to reality.” […]

Million dollar grant secured for Georgetown runway expansion
By: Madeleine Overturf

Roughly $1 million in federal funding has been earmarked for the airport’s runway extension initiative. This funding injection is poised to propel the environmental assessment and preliminary design of the project, aiming to extend the runway’s length to 6,000 feet.

Senator Carper, along with Senators Chris Coons and Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester, all Democrats representing Delaware, orchestrated the securing of $154 million in federal funding for various community projects across the state.

According to lawmakers, over the past decade, Delaware Coastal Airport has undergone a remarkable transformation. Notable enhancements include the rehabilitation of a previously closed runway, repurposed to function as a crosswind runway, and an extension of the main runway to 5,500 feet.

Additionally, the airport has seen updates to its airfield lighting systems and various other infrastructure improvements. Moreover, the airport features a sprawling 175-acre industrial park, housing a diverse array of 17 businesses. […]

Federal funding will help with runway expansion at Delaware Coastal Airport in Georgetown
By: Joe Irizarry

Listen to the radio story here.

Delaware Coastal Airport in Georgetown gets additional federal dollars for a new runway expansion project. […]

Carper says he believes the investment will translate into more jobs.

“The nice thing about the runway extension that’s going to be funded and paid for here is more planes, bigger planes, more jobs, really good paying jobs is going to flow from all of this. It’s a win-win,” said Carper. […]

By: Joe Ciccanti

Listen to the radio story here.

U.S. Senator Tom Carper joined Sussex County officials this week to announce $1 million in federal funding for Delaware Coastal Airport’s runway extension project. This funding will go toward the environmental assessment and preliminary design of the runway extension to 6,000 feet. The funding is a part of $154 million in federal funding secured by Senators Carper, Chris Coons and Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester for Delaware community projects, including this one. Officials say the runway extension project has the potential to drive economic development and create jobs in Sussex County and the surrounding region. […]


Read the online story here.

[…] With economic development in mind, Senator Tom Carper has been one of the strongest supporters […] and says the construction will help create many jobs for the people on Delmarva.

Senator Carper: “I love trying to make sure people have a job. And I like to say, it’s one thing to give a person a fish feed him for a day. If you teach a person to fish, they can feed themselves for a lifetime.” […]

