Delegation Welcomes the First UH-60 BlackHawk Helicopters to Delaware

WHO U.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper Congressman Michael N. Castle Governor Ruth Ann Minner Delaware National Guard Adjutant General Frank Vavala WHAT Members of the Delaware Congressional Delegation will get a special ride to the Army National Guard aviation headquarters tomorrow, as they welcome the Army’s premier tactical transport helicopter to Delaware. For some time, the Delegation has been fighting to bring BlackHawk helicopters to Delaware, one of nine states with no modern aviation assets. Earlier this year, Senator Biden, working with Senator Carper and Congressman Castle, received assurances from Army Headquarters that several of the A-model Blackhawks will be coming to Delaware. Tomorrow, the first three of six UH-60 Blackhawks will make its debut in New Castle. WHEN 10:30 a.m., Friday, August 9, 2002 WHERE Delaware Army National Guard Aviation Support Facility 33 Corporate Circle New Castle, Delaware
