Sen. Carper Responds to Naming of Biden Successor to U.S. Senate

WASHINGTON — Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) issued the following statement today in response to the announcement by Delaware Gov. Ruth Ann Minner that she has named Ted Kaufman as interim replacement for Sen. Joe Biden. Sen. Carper said:
“It’s hard to imagine anyone better prepared than Ted Kaufman to serve in this role until the next election. I’ve been privileged to know and work closely with Ted for a quarter of a century. He is one terrific human being. 
“Ted will hit the ground running, and he will need precious little on-the-job training in the U.S. Senate.
“Ted knows Delaware, and he knows Washington. He is joy to work with, and he understands how to get things done.
“Ted will be a good partner in the Senate, and he will prove a capable and dedicated servant to the people of Delaware in this new role as he has been in so many roles in the past.
“It is a difficult task to decide who will fill a U.S. Senate seat, particularly one held as long as Sen. Biden has held his, and with so many capable candidates from which to choose.
“I know that a number of Delawareans were hopeful that Lt. Gov. John Carney might be named to serve as our interim U.S. senator for the next two years. John would have been an excellent choice too. While it was not in the cards at this time, I am certain that Delaware will have many future opportunities to benefit from John’s strong commitment to public service.”