Senator Carper Spends Monday, April 3, 2006 in Kent County

Tours Delaware Department of Technology and Information Data Center Lunches at Modern Maturity and Tours New Medical Facility Tours Two Newly Renovated Dover Community Partnership Homes

Dover, DE – On Monday, April 3, 2006, Senator Tom Carper will start his day with a visit to the Delaware Department of Technology and Information, which is responsible for overseeing and maintaining all of Delaware’s government information and communications technology. At DTI, the Senator will hear first-hand what it takes to protect the State’s computer network from cyber attacks. DTI is devoting enormous resources to cyber security and better coordination and sharing between state and federal governments. The Senator will also tour DTI’s William Penn Data Center. The Data Center plays a role in almost all areas of state government, from paychecks to corporate registries. The Data Center is also instrumental in maintaining safeguards that protect Delawareans from things such as identity thefts and phishing. Senator Carper is playing a major role in the national effort to protect critical infrastructures from cyber attacks. As Ranking Member on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affair’s Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security, the Senator is actively involved in oversight of the federal government’s cybersecurity activities. The Senator will be joined by Tom Jarrett, Secretary of Delaware Department of Technology and Information and Doug Robinson, Executive Director of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers. The Senator’s next stop takes him to the Modern Maturity Center. The Senator will join seniors for lunch and will then tour the new medical center at the MMC. The new center houses three non-profit organizations that offer a variety of services: The Hope Clinic, Delaware Curative Physical Therapy, and Generations Home Care. A Bayhealth Walk-in Clinic is also located on-site. Finally, the Senator will tour two newly renovated homes in Dover that are part of the Dover Community Partnership. He will join members of the Carper/City of Dover Homeownership Advisory Group in visiting these renovated homes. The Senator is a long-time advocate of homeownership and hosts homeownership workshops throughout the state to provide information and support for those hoping to own homes. Come take a look at the exciting things that are happening in downtown Dover through the community partnership! Monday, April 3, 2006 11:15 am – 11:45 am Tour DTI William Penn Data Center Silver Lake Plaza Walker Road Dover 11:50 am – 12:15 pm Lunch at Modern Maturity Center 1121 Forrest Avenue Dover 12:20 pm – 1:00 pm Tour of Modern Maturity Center’s New Medical Facility 1121 Forrest Avenue Dover 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm Tour Renovated Properties 22 N. Queen Street Dover 444 Fulton Street Dover *Please call 302-598-4915 to find exact location if you are joining us after 1:15.*
