Sen. Carper Comments on Failure of Immigration Bill in Senate

Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) today issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Senate’s failure, again, to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation:
“I am disappointed the Senate again failed to pass an immigration reform bill that would beef up border security and find a practical way to deal with the 12 million illegal immigrants now living in this country.
“The Senate bill wasn’t perfect, but it was a step in the right direction and represented a good-faith compromise. The problems presented by the massive influx of illegal immigrants into this country will not go away, but neither will those of us who believe in finding common ground on this difficult issue. 
“It’s imperative that the Senate find the courage to pass an immigration bill that is tough on borders, fair to American taxpayers, and practical to enforce. My hope and expectation is that we will try again and, next time, find a way to succeed."