Sen. Carper Comments on Sen. Lieberman in Democrat Caucus

WASHINGTON – Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) today issued the following statement in response to actions Senate Democrats took today to allow Sen. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.) to remain in the Senate Democrat caucus:

“The Senate Democrat caucus has decided that if President-elect Barack Obama can forgive, so can we. If Barack can move on, so can we.

“Sen. Joe Lieberman’s repeated criticism of Barack this fall was not just disappointing, it was hurtful. There must be consequences for those comments. With our vote today, there will be.

“In the spirit of atonement, though, Joe has expressed regret for his criticism of Barack. He has made clear his belief that Barack can go on to be the extraordinary leader that our nation needs today. In addition, Sen. Lieberman made clear that – as he has in the past – he will continue to vote overwhelmingly with our Democrat caucus on the issues before the Senate in the years to come.

“Our nation is in need of healing. We need to unite as one people again. And we need to put the past behind us and face the future together. 

“With today’s vote, the Senate Democrats did just that.

“What needed to be said has been said; what needed to be done has been done. The air has been cleared.”
