Sen. Carper Statement on Suspicious Packages Found on Cargo Planes

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Subcommittee on International Security, released the following statement regarding the investigation of suspicious packages being found on passenger and cargo planes headed for the United States:


"The security of Americans as we travel, whether by train, plane, boat or automobile, is paramount. Today’s suspicious airline activity originating from Yemen shows that our aviation transportation system continues to be a prime target. While this is an ongoing investigation, this latest incident underscores the need for us to screen more of the packages loaded into the cargo holds of planes as the 9/11 Commission recommended that we do in 2007. We must also take additional steps to better secure our airports.  Last month, I introduced the Aviation Security Innovation Reform (AIR) Act of 2010 with Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) that will help the Transportation Security Administration better meet their mission of protecting Americans by bolstering the training of airport screeners and strengthening state and local partnerships with the Transportation Security Administration.  I hope that in the coming months Congress and the Administration can work together in a bipartisan effort to strengthen our transportation security measures, particularly as the peak holiday travel season approaches."
