Sen. Carper Pleased with Recent Postal Service Reforms

Carper and Subcommittee Continue Oversight; Watch Current Economic Downturn

WASHINGTON – Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) today said he is concerned about how the U.S. Postal Service will withstand the recent economic downturn, but he is otherwise pleased with reports from the U.S. Postmaster General and the chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission that show improvements in postal services due to recent legislative reforms.

One year after enactment of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, a bill Sen. Carper coauthored with Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), he called this hearing, “The State of the U.S. Postal Service One Year After Reform,” to continue his strong oversight of the Postal Service as it implements new reform measures.

“The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act has been in effect for one year now, and postal customers are already starting to see some clear benefits. I am concerned about the impact the economic slowdown is having on the Postal Service’s bottom line, but pleased with how consumer reforms are being implemented,” said Sen. Carper.

Stressing there is still more work to be done, Sen. Carper and his Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services and International Security expect to receive a number of status reports on the Postal Service over the course of this year, including a report in July on planned internal reorganization to meet the new service standards set last year.

In addition, the Postal Regulatory Commission is working to set new Postal Service accounting standards, to prepare its first annual report outlining its compliance with the new law, and to publish a year-end report on the status and history of the Postal Service’s universal service obligation.

“The Postal Service revenue has been affected by the current economic slowdown, as well as the trend toward online communication and bill pay. I encourage the Postal Service make full use of the marketing tools available to it through postal reform,” said Sen. Carper. “I also will continue to consider how Congress can work with the Postal Service and the Postal Regulatory Commission to weather the current storm and find new revenue and cost-cutting opportunities.”
