Senator Carper to Spend Monday, April 25, 2005 in Kent County

Delaware Biotechnology Institute Grant Announcement Visit to St. John’s Lutheran School Visit to Fifer Middle School

Dover, DE – Senator Tom Carper will spend Monday, April 25, 2005, in Kent County. The Senator will begin his day participating grant award announcement for the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI). The DBI was recently awarded $6 million from the National Science Foundation’s EPSCoR program. The state of Delaware will put up a $3 million match. The money will be used to provide additional science education through the University of Delaware, Delaware Technical and Community College, Delaware State University and Wesley College. Senator Carper will then head over to St. John’s Lutheran School to speak with approximately 70 pre-kindergarten through 4th graders about the government and the Constitution. The Senator’s last stop will be at Fifer Middle School in Camden. He will speak with over 150 students from the 7th grade about education, mentoring and government. Monday, April 25, 2005 10:30 am – 11:30 am Delaware Biotechnology Institute Grant Announcement Delaware Public Archives 121 Duke of York Street Dover 11:45 am – 12:30 pm Visit with students at St. John’s Lutheran School 1156 Walker Road Dover 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Visit with students at Fifer Middle School 109 East Camden-Wyoming Avenue Camden
