Delaware to Receive More than $9 Million for Clean water, Senate Committee Passes Water Investment Act of 2002

WASHINGTON, DC – Delaware will receive more than $9 million dollars in funding- a $2.7 million increase- for clean water, Senator Tom Carper announced today. Delaware’s share of federal clean water funding will grow to $9.3 million with the passage of the Water Investment Act of 2002. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today passed the Water Investment Act of 2002 (S. 1961), authorizing $20 billion for clean water projects, such as wastewater treatment plants, and $15 billion for safe drinking water projects, such as drinking water supply systems. The money supports state and local efforts to provide clean drinking water, manage stormwater runoff and treat sewage. “From Wilmington to Seaford, millions must be spent to ensure that our communities enjoy clean water. Continuing to provide clean, safe, drinkable water is an expensive endeavor, but a top priority,” Carper said. “This bill shows that the federal government is committed to helping states meet this important need.” Under the Water Investment Act, Delaware benefits even if future clean water appropriations remain at their current levels. The minimum percentage of future national appropriations for water pollution control in Delaware would increase from the current 0.5 % to 0.7%. The increase would be phased in over several years. Delaware currently receives $6.6 million for clean water. Based on the legislation passed today, Delaware will receive $7 million next year for water pollution control. That will increase to $9.3 million annually in six years. Delaware’s annual appropriation of $7.8 million for safe drinking water will remain unchanged. Delaware has substantial water infrastructure needs, including expensive upgrades of Wilmington’s sewage collection system to address sewage overflows, upgrading treatment plants in smaller communities, and improving drinking water treatment to meet new national standards. The Water Investment Act of 2002:

  • Increases loan subsidization for disadvantaged communities
  • Promotes innovative, nontraditional methods of resolving water quality problems such as streamside buffers to control polluted runoff
  • Reauthorizes grants for small public drinking water systems