Sen. Carper Urges Senate Passage Of Economic Recovery Package

WASHINGTON – Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) issued the following statement late Friday in response to the Senate reaching a compromise on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (H.R. 1):


"Americans have entrusted the Congress and the President with the responsibility to do what is right and to strengthen the pillars of our nation’s economy. At this time of economic crisis, they expect us to do what is necessary to keep people in their homes, to help them hold on to their jobs, and to address the sense of despair too many Americans feel today. The agreement reached today does just that. 


"This bill is not perfect. There are provisions I would like to add, and some I would like to remove, however overall it represents a sound approach that I believe will garner the necessary bipartisan support and eventually become law.


"We all had to make compromises to get enough votes to ultimately pass this vital legislation. I worked with a bipartisan group, led by Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Senator Susan Collins of Maine, to ensure that spending included in the bill goes directly to programs that create real jobs and produce real economic improvements soon. 


"We have focused on efforts that directly stimulate the economy, create jobs, cut middle-class taxes and start us on the long road to recovery. The agreement reached today includes almost $800 billion in targeted federal assistance – 60 percent spending and 40 percent tax cut – that will provide the economic boost we need.


"There is still work to be done with this legislation, but I am optimistic that we will be able to send President Obama a bill that he can sign next week.  I will continue to work closely with my colleagues in the days ahead.


"The final bill must focus on helping people at risk of losing their homes, restoring confidence in the housing sector, and providing incentives to spur small business job growth. 


"It must create jobs through needed investments in our nation’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, ports, waterways and mass transit. 


"It must reduce pollution and our dependence on foreign oil by providing investments in a new generation of green jobs to make America more competitive and energy efficient.


"It must increase our capacity for projects to generate renewable energy, like Bluewater Wind in Delaware, and expand weatherization programs to make older homes more energy efficient. 


"It must help families on Medicaid and help states like Delaware balance their budgets.


"Leading economists, including Larry Summers and Mark Zandi, said the federal government had to act and to act now, and I couldn’t agree more. 


"Too many Delawareans have lost their jobs, and many more are scared they will lose theirs as well. Passage of this economic recovery bill is not about who wins and who loses; it is about governing and improving American’s daily lives. 


"At the end of the day, the Senate came together on a bipartisan, compromise that is bold, responsible and effective and shows that government can work to help Americans get back to work."
