Sen. Carper Lauds Senate Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) released a statement following the Senate’s vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank:

“A critical role of government is to create a more nurturing environment for businesses to grow and thrive, both in Delaware and across the country. By lending much-needed capital to businesses large and small, the Export-Import Bank has helped businesses in the First State and the rest of our nation expand and develop products to sell overseas. More American goods sold abroad means a healthier economy and more jobs here at home. Last year, the agency helped a handful of Delaware companies, such as Agilent Technologies, Delaware Intercorp and TotalTrax, sell more than $39 million worth of products to other nations. Moreover, the Export-Import Bank is a job-creating engine. In 2011, it supported almost 300,000 jobs across 49 states. We can’t afford to squander such successful programs. By reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank, Congress is taking action that produces real results to help finance our export-led recovery. I commend my colleagues for coming together to pass this important measure and I hope Congress uses this opportunity to build on this bipartisan momentum by addressing more challenges facing our economy right away.”

