Sen. Carper Reaction to NRG Announcement Regarding Bluewater Offshore Wind Project

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following reaction to NRG’s decision to put its Bluewater offshore wind project on hold:

“I am disappointed by NRG’s decision to not move forward with the Bluewater offshore wind project off the coast of Delaware. Unfortunately, businesses small and large are facing a very challenging economic climate, and many are being forced to make tough financial decisions, such as scaling back investments in new business opportunities. While this decision is disappointing, I will not give up on the pursuit of clean, reliable, domestic energy sources such as offshore wind energy. I will continue to work with Senator Coons, Congressman Carney, Governor Markell and the Obama Administration to do what we can to move forward with alternative-energy projects – including offshore wind energy production off the coast of Delaware. The federal government needs to be a good partner with private industry to help get these alternative energy projects off the ground. In that respect, I have done everything possible to find avenues for the federal government to provide a nurturing environment for the fledgling offshore wind industry, including support for loan guarantees and tax incentives that will help encourage private investment. Unfortunately, not all in Congress support these efforts. Regardless of NRG’s decision, Delaware’s offshore wind project remains a good, viable project. Soon the Department of Interior will issue the project a lease on the Outer Continental Shelf, and I am hopeful that with this lease, we can find another company that will be willing to partner with Delaware to pursue this promising source of offshore wind energy.”

