Sen. Carper Reacts to Presidents Announcement at the Port of Wilmington

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, chairman of the Environment & Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure and member of the Finance Committee, issued this statement following President Obama’s visit to the Port of Wilmington:

“I thank President Obama for visiting Delaware today and announcing his initiative to support infrastructure investments in our country. A high-quality transportation system will have a critical impact on both our nation’s economy and people’s lives. While Congress needs to step up to the plate and make sure the federal government is doing its part, it will take an all-hands-on-deck effort to strengthen our nation’s infrastructure. Private sector companies can play a pivotal role in many types of projects, and the president’s initiative will make it easier and more appealing for them to do so.

“Congress and the administration have an important responsibility to work together to maintain and support our transportation system. We need to do our jobs and shore up the Highway Trust Fund – not just for the short term as too often has been the case – but for the long term, providing cities and states the funding certainty they need to complete regular maintenance and repairs. The time for Congress to act is now, and I stand ready to work with any member who understands the importance of passing a long-term transportation plan. It’s what our states, cities, and businesses are asking for and it’s what they deserve.”

