Sen. Carper Statement on the Passing of Sen. Daniel Inouye

WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) released a statement following the news of the passing of Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii): 
“I was deeply saddened to learn that my friend and colleague, Senator Daniel Inouye, passed away earlier today.  During this difficult time, my thoughts and prayers are with his family, including his wife Irene and son Ken, his friends, and the people of Hawaii, who he represented in Congress for over 50 years. 
“We have lost a giant in the Senate.  He was truly a gentleman in every respect. He was admired and beloved by all of us, Democrat and Republican alike. His friendship and partnership with the late Republican Senator Ted Stevens provided an example for all of us on how we could work together and get things done for our country. It has been said that leaders should be humble not haughty, that the role of a leader is to serve, not be served, and that we are to lead by our example. Danny Inouye was a lifelong leader from the theaters of Europe during World War II to the halls of the United States Senate – and we will miss him enormously.  
“As we mourn him, we remember that he had a full life. He leaves behind an enormous legacy, and we are so blessed to have had him with us as long as we did.  But it is still tough to say ‘Aloha’ this one last time.” 
