Senator Carper Presents Military Medals to Family of Fallen WWII Soldier and Delawarean

WILMINGTON – On Monday, U.S. Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) presented the family of the late Private First Class James Davis, Jr. of Smyrna with medals in recognition of PFC Davis’ service in the United States Army. PFC Davis’ son, James Davis, III, who was just two years old when his father died in action, and granddaughter, Tina Ford, recently contacted Senator Carper’s office to obtain copies of his father’s military records. Senator Carper’s office was able to locate the records, and while doing so, discovered that PFC Davis was eligible for several medals, including the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart Medal

The records show that PFC Davis served with Company E, 2nd Battalion, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infancy Division in support of the Allied Forces’ drive through Normandy, France. He died on July 5, 1944.

“It is the honor of my lifetime to be able to present the families of our fallen soldiers with information about their loved ones and the medals that they earned serving our country,” said Senator Carper, a U.S. Navy veteran. “Our office works hard to give back to our veterans and their families, whether it’s connecting them with employment and benefits, or in this case, helping family members piece together the history of their father’s life and death. It is truly the greatest honor to serve my fellow veterans and their families.”

Also in attendance at the medal ceremony was Delaware National Guard State Command Sergeant Major Donald Catalon, PFC Davis’ grandson, James Davis, IV (Chief Petty Officer, United States Navy, Retired, and granddaughter-in-law Julie Davis, as well as great granddaughter Shana Davis. The family was presented with the Gold Star Lapel Pin, which since World War I has been a symbol for family members whose loved ones have given their life in war.


Caption: On Monday, Oct. 23, 2017, U.S. Senator Tom Carper presented the family of the late Private First Class James Davis, Jr. with the Bronze Star and Purple Heart Medals for their Davis’ service in the United States Army. From left: Senator Carper, James Davis, IV, Tina Davis, James Davis, III, and Command Sergeant Major Donald Catalon. Photo provided by U.S. Senator Tom Carper’s office.
