Senator Carper’s Statement on the Passing of Former Governor and Congressman Pete du Pont

U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) provided the following statement on the passing of former Delaware Congressman and Governor Pete du Pont:

“Martha and I are saddened to hear the news of Pete’s passing. I’ve been blessed with many mentors over the years, and I count him as one of my very best mentors and later on, friends. I first met Pete barely a year after coming to Delaware, and our relationship was an adversarial one in the political arena. I was working as a treasurer and fundraiser for the campaign running against him for Delaware’s U.S. House seat, and he won handily in the end. I always joked that his campaign made more money on interest than we raised! But I learned a lot from that campaign about Delaware, running for office and about Pete. I learned from Pete how to campaign, how to connect with people and the importance of surrounding yourself with the best people you can find.

“In 1976, as I assumed the role of State Treasurer and Pete became Governor, Delaware faced critical financial challenges. But we came together – a Republican Governor, Democratic State Treasurer and the Democratic and Republican leadership in the legislature, and eventually put into place reforms that continue to serve our state well today. Pete knew that one of the best things you can do to help someone is help them get a job, so he was very focused on creating a nurturing environment for job growth and job preservation as Governor.  I worked hard to continue that model he created during the eight years I served in that role.

“Pete came from great wealth, but he had an ability to connect with people from all walks of life. One of my fondest memories was when – after much cajoling from the crowd – he joined them in dancing to the bluegrass band at the Georgetown Oyster Eat in his well-worn, holed sweater. Pete was a very decent, kind human being, and Delaware is a better place today because of him.”

