Senator Carper Statement on Boston Bombing Trial Verdict

WASHINGTON— Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released the following statement in reaction to a federal jury’s guilty verdict of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing:

“Nearly two years after the horrific bombing at the Boston Marathon, I hope that the families and friends of victims, and the people of Boston, can now find some solace that one of the men responsible for this terrible act has been convicted. I want to commend all those who worked on this case, including the people of Boston and the victims of the attack, for their dedication, strength, and resolve throughout the process. The perseverance with which this case was pursued – from its beginning to its nearing end — is a strong testament to our commitment as a country to bring all those responsible for this horrific act to justice. It’s important that those of us in Congress continue to understand the lessons from this tragedy and do what we can to prevent a similar situation from happening again. Today, and in the years and generations ahead, we must continue to honor the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing by continuing to live our lives and proving that these cowardly acts do not deter the American spirit. The upcoming 2015 Boston Marathon is a powerful symbol of that notion, and underscores that the city of Boston and our nation have emerged from this tragedy stronger than ever.”

