Sens. Carper, Boozman Lead Bipartisan Group of Colleagues in Introducing Resolution in Support of Recycling

WASHINGTON – Today, Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and John Boozman (R-Ark.), Co-Chairs of the Senate Recycling Caucus, introduced a sense of the Senate resolution expressing support for improvement in the collection, processing and use of recyclable materials throughout the United States. Joining Sens. Carper and Boozman on the resolution are Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Robert Casey (D-Pa.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.),Chris Coons (D-Del.), and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.).

“As co-chair of the Senate Recycling Caucus, I strive to be a friend of the environment by not only recycling in my personal life, but also by raising awareness of the economic benefits of recycling, such as the $346 million the industry contributed to our state’s economy in 2009,” Sen. Carper said. “In a smaller state like Delaware, it’s important to remember that we have a limited amount of open space and it would be a shame to waste it. Delaware has made considerable progress in improving our recycling practices and reducing what we put in our landfills. Today we divert 40 percent of recyclables from landfills, but I know we can do even better. I am proud to introduce this resolution today with my Senate colleagues to show our support for recycling and recognize its tremendous value to our economy and our environment.”

“Recycling includes industrial scale recycling, retrieving rare and precious metals from electronics, recycling cans, plastics and glass, and so much more,” Sen. Boozman said. “It provides environmental and economic benefits -allowing us to reuse valuable materials while creating jobs. Promoting recycling helps encourage us all to be good stewards of the environment and drives us to explore opportunities to reinvest in our businesses.”

The resolution reinforces the importance of recycling to the U.S. economy. It is estimated that the recycling industry is responsible for well over $200 billion in annual revenues nationally and more than $4 billion on the state and local level.

The resolution also highlights the environmental benefits of recycling. Recycling not only safeguards natural resources and reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, but also saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. For example, the use of recycled aluminum can save as much as 92 percent of the energy that would have been needed to make that can from new aluminum.
