WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) today issued the below statement following Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s joint address to Congress:

“As we enter this holiday season and spend quality time with family and friends, the Ukrainian people are headed for a dark winter as Russian forces continue to carry out an unjust and unprovoked war. This evening, exactly 300 days since Russia launched its unwarranted military invasion on Ukraine, I was honored to attend Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s joint address to Congress. I applaud his bravery, strength, and unwavering loyalty to his country and his people.

“Our partnership with Ukraine is strong, and we stand proudly with the Ukrainian people and our NATO allies. In the face of Putin’s atrocities, the United States continues to provide assistance to Ukraine—including President Biden’s announcement today to provide $1.85 billion in critical equipment, munitions, and the Patriot Air Defense System to help Ukraine defend itself from Russia’s brutal assault. We will continue to support President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people as they pursue peace and stability in their homeland.”


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