A trying week for America

Late last night, we heard the tragic news of yet another deadly shooting in one of our communities. At a peaceful protest in Dallas, Texas, where police officers were marching arm-in-arm with protesters, hatred attempted to tear us apart and deter our resolve for peace and compassion.

My heart breaks for Dallas. Five brave officers who served their community will not return home to their families today, and another seven officers are recovering from gunshot wounds after deranged criminals opened sniper fire during an otherwise peaceful protest. The events witnessed last night in Texas are disgusting acts of violence that cannot be tolerated. Every day, police officers across the country put their lives on the line to protect civilians and keep our communities safe. We must always be grateful to them for their bravery and the work they do to ensure our freedoms. 

This has been a trying week for our country. We’ve seen brutal videos of men killed by law enforcement officials in Louisiana and Minnesota, and these deaths have contributed to fury and unrest around the country regarding fair and equal treatment of all Americans by the people who are meant to keep them safe. The loss of life is always tragic, no matter the circumstances, and we must pray for every family that is suffering the unbearable wound of a lost loved one today. But we must reject the reaction to break apart and cast blame. We must instead unite to change our future so that it does not echo a dark past. 

In moments like this, American resolve to join together with compassion, respect and love is the only salve that will heal us. We have so much work to do, but by embracing our brothers and sisters and treating them as we, ourselves, would like to be treated, we can overcome even the most heartbreaking tragedies.

I appreciate your thoughts and want to hear from you on this, or any issue through email or by contacting me on Twitter @SenatorCarper and on Facebook at facebook.com/tomcarper.
