It’s Park Week, go wild!

Dear Friends,

This week, April 19-27, is National Park Week. It’s hard to believe it was more than one year ago on March 26, 2013 that Delaware became the final state to enter the National Park System with the designation of the First State National Monument. I’m still wholeheartedly supporting the effort to make our national monument a national park, but we don’t have to wait for any further designation to enjoy our monument or any of the other beautiful parks found in our state.

The First State National Monument is America’s 400th national park site and it tells the important story of Delaware’s role in creating our great nation. From the original Quaker settlements along Woodlawn Tract to the New Castle Courthouse where Delaware gained statehood down to the site where Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution on the Dover Green, the First State National Monument preserves our state and nation’s history for generations to come.

I encourage all Delawareans to take the opportunity to celebrate National Park Week by enjoying and exploring the beauty and history of Delaware that the First State National Monument provides. You can also visit any one of Delaware’s beautiful state parks. 

Have you visited the First State National Monument yet? Let me know about this, or any other issue, through email, Twitter, @SenatorCarper, or Facebook at

