Join Delaware in Celebrating National Park Week!

Dear Friends,

Park Week - flags

Today marks the start of National Park Week! This year, Delaware has even more reason to celebrate since it’s the first time that the First State can celebrate National Park Week with a national park of its own! This past December, I was thrilled when legislation to create the First State National Historical Park was finally approved by Congress, joining Delaware to the network of states that are home to national parks that attract millions of visitors each year.

Every year, millions of tourists plan their vacations around our nation’s national park system. In 2009 alone, each state with a national park received a minimum of $1.1 million in direct economic benefits from park tourism, with many states receiving much more. Now Delawareans stand to benefit from the added tourism from the park, and we also have the unique opportunity to influence the experience and memories of those visiting our state.

Park Week - Woodlawn NPSAdmission to the First State National Historical Park is always free – and the experience is priceless. But this weekend, in celebration of National Park Week, every park across the country has free admission. I hope you have the opportunity to explore our nation’s rich history, beautiful landscapes and vibrant culture by seeing what our national parks have to offer, near and far.

This week, I invite my friends visiting the First State National Park to share your photos and videos from your visit on Twitter and Facebook.


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