National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Dear Friend,

This October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month.

This month underscores the responsibility that all Americans have to educate and protect themselves regarding responsible cyber practices online. In a world where we spend so much time plugged in and logged on, it’s important that we stop and think before connecting to the Internet.

The Department of Homeland Security has some tips for keeping yourself, your assets and your personal information safe online:

  • Set strong passwords and don’t share them with anyone;
  • Keep your operating system, browser, and other critical software optimized by installing updates;
  • Maintain an open dialogue with your family, friends, and community about Internet safety;
  • Limit the amount of personal information you post online and use privacy settings to avoid sharing information widely;
  • Be cautious about what you receive or read online—if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

That being said, we have a shared responsibility when it comes to cyber security. As chairman on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, I’ve been working hard with my colleagues to pass bipartisan legislation that would improve our government’s cyber capabilities.

Nearly every day, we hear about criminals and nation states launching cyber attacks that could undermine our national security and cause wide-scale economic damage. These cyber criminals are probing our government agencies, universities, and critical infrastructure – and they are looking for weak spots in our defenses.

Congress has an important role in making sure that the federal government and its partners have the tools and resources to counter these 21st century threats with a 21st century response. It is my hope that we can come together as a nation – government and industry, Democrat and Republican – and work together to tackle the growing cyber security threats we face.

For more information on National Cyber Security Awareness Month, visit


Tom Carper
