Carper Statement After House Republicans Abandon Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON—Today, U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, released the following statement on the American Health Care Act, the House GOP health care bill that would’ve taken away health insurance for 24 million Americans over the next ten years, after Speaker Paul Ryan abandoned efforts to hold a vote on the doomed legislation.

“From the campaign trail to the White House, President Trump promised to deliver better health coverage and greater access to health care to all Americans at a lower cost. This bill broke those promises. The fact is, President Trump was right when he said that ‘health care is hard.’ So is governing. One way to make it easier is to reach across the aisle and work together.

“We can improve the Affordable Care Act if Republicans give up on their unrealistic mission to repeal it. As evidenced by today, they’ve failed at going it alone. But instead of throwing up their hands and complaining, Republicans should reach across the aisle to see what we can do together to continue the progress we’ve made over the past seven years. We can reduce health care costs and give consumers more choices if we stop playing political games and get serious about how to deliver results for the American people.”

