Carper Joins Delaware Arab-American Community to Help the Victims and Heal the Hate

NEWARK, DE – Senator Tom Carper will join over 200 members of Delaware’s Arab-American community Saturday to help raise money for the families of the victims of the September 11th tragedy and to discuss the need for tolerance towards Arab-Americans and Muslims in Delaware and across the nation. Sponsored by the Islamic Society of Delaware, the event will be held at Masjid Ibrahim in Newark. “In the wake of our tragedy, we have seen America at its best. The spirit of volunteerism, patriotism and giving that have defined the past weeks are an inspiration to us all,” Carper said. “But across the nation, our hearts still break over stories of vandalism, verbal attacks and physical cruelty against Arab-Americans. Confronted by this bigotry, we must not allow our nation’s celebration of diversity to become collateral damage from these attacks against our country.” WHO: Members of Delaware’s Arab-American community, Senator Carper WHAT: Teaching acceptance and raising money to help the families of the victims of the September 11th tragedies. WHERE: The Islamic Society of Delaware, Masjid Ibrahim, 28 Salem Church Road, Newark, DE WHEN: 2:00 pm, Saturday, September 29, 2001
