Sen. Tom Carper Reacts to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON – Tonight, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and a Member of the Finance and Environment and Public Works Committees, released the following statement reacting to President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Obama gave a candid evaluation coupled with an optimistic outlook, which I share, for our country. I am encouraged by his commitment to several key issues, including growing our economy through smart investments in infrastructure, research and development, and fair trade agreements; addressing our nation’s debt and deficit in a balanced, pragmatic way; curbing climate change with an approach that’s a boost to our environment and economy; and continuing to implement and perfect healthcare reform with the aim of reducing costs and improving quality of care.

“I was glad to hear the President say, ‘We can still do more to invest in this country’s future while bringing down our deficit in a balanced way,” because I share his belief that finding a compromise on raising revenues while reforming entitlement spending in a fair and balanced way is not only possible, it’s essential.

“I was also encouraged by the President’s persistent commitment to stemming the tide of climate change. The harmful effects of climate change, specifically sea-level rise and extreme weather events, pose a unique and serious threat to my coastal home state of Delaware. By advocating a multi-faceted and common-sense approach to our nation’s environmental and energy challenges, we can reduce harmful pollutants, lead healthier lives, lower our energy costs, and help put Americans to work.

“Tonight the President talked about the positive impact of the Affordable Care Act. Already we are seeing thousands of Delawareans and millions of Americans getting covered while providing better quality care, and slowing the growth of healthcare costs. Over the coming months and years we must continue to improve the implementation of this law while looking for additional areas to get better healthcare for less.

“Like the President, I was proud that last year the Senate passed bipartisan immigration reform legislation. I echo the President’s call that it’s time for the House to follow the Senate’s lead and work with us to pass an immigration reform measure that is effective, humane, and improves our nation’s economic competitiveness while safeguarding our security.

“I look forward to working with the President and my colleagues in Congress on these and other initiatives over the coming year. The state of our union continues to strengthen, but more work remains, particularly when it comes to growing our economy. It will require doing what we do every day in the First State – setting aside our differences, coming together and compromising for the betterment of the American people.”
