A great day at Dover AFB

On Monday morning, I had the opportunity to visit Dover Air Force Base (AFB) and spend time with some of the Air Force personnel who call Dover home. Delaware is lucky to have some of the best and brightest military and civilian personnel stationed here, and we are so proud to have them all as part of our family in the First State.

In September, Congress approved a much-needed military infrastructure bill that included over $80 million in federal funding to build a new hanger for the C-5M Super Galaxy and replace the on-base elementary school. I fought tooth and nail to make sure Dover AFB received the critical funding it needed, and this week I was excited to visit the Base and see how these projects will help Dover accomplish the mission and take care of military families for years to come.

I visited the 436th Maintenance Squadron Isochronal group who are charged with inspecting and servicing the C-5M Super Galaxy, one of the largest aircrafts in the world. From their station in Dover, C-5M Super Galaxies fly cargo around the world, delivering combat equipment to our troops in the field and bringing humanitarian aid to those in need. The men and women of Maintenance Squadron Isochronal group are working tirelessly to inspect the aircraft and ensure they are safe, effective, and can support our military and save taxpayer dollars by staying in flight longer.

Along with supporting military operations around the world, Dover Air Force Base has the solemn duty of receiving the remains of our fallen soldiers when they return home. The Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations (AFMAO) unit is working to fulfill our nation’s commitment of ensuring dignity, honor, and respect to our fallen and prepare them to be returned to their families. Dover is the only port mortuary for the military, and every fallen service member killed abroad travels through Dover.

Visiting the mortuary and meeting with the military and civilian personnel there, I saw first-hand the pride with which these men and women conduct their sacred duty. I am pleased by the continuing progress being made at the mortuary to improve its operations and ensure Delaware is doing its part to honor our nation’s fallen heroes.

The military infrastructure funding approved by Congress in September will do a lot of good to ensure that the individuals working hard in Dover have the resources they need to do their work effectively and support our military around the world. I’m so proud of the work that the men and women of Dover AFB do every day, and I will continue working in the U.S. Senate to ensure that Dover Air Force Base has the resources it needs to perform its sacred mission and care for our military families in Dover. 
