Giving thanks by serving others

Today is Thanksgiving, an important opportunity for Delawareans and all Americans to take a break  and give thanks for all we have. I believe there is no greater joy in life than serving others, and on Thanksgiving, it brings me great joy to give thanks by serving our neighbors.

On this day each year, I head to the Emmanuel Dining Room in Wilmington and join former Governor and Congressman Mike Castle to help our neighbors celebrate Thanksgiving with a home cooked meal and warm company. That’s because, to me, Thanksgiving is about giving back to my community and making sure we all have something for which to be thankful.

Our nation is going through many changes, and sometimes it seems we are divided, but I have faith that our leaders can come together and solve the tests that lie ahead. It’s my hope that we remember that helping each other defines us as Americans, and is central to what makes our country great.

This Thanksgiving, let’s be thankful and rejoice for the blessings of our lives, and also vow to keep working together for the betterment of our neighbors and our nation. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a warm holiday season.

God bless,

Tom Carper
